You can help fast-track research for MS

Please give a gift to MS research and fast-track new treatments for people living with MS like Bronwyn.


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could help create better treatments for people like Bronwyn living with MS.
could help accelerate research to find a cure for MS.
could help reverse the effects of MS to give people like Bronwyn back what they have lost.

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Your gift will help fast-track new treatments and ultimately a cure for people living with MS like Bronwyn.

When Bronwyn’s doctor diagnosed her with multiple sclerosis (MS) 20 years ago, she started falling apart.

“After I left my doctor’s office, I sat at the bus stop and cried for hours.

She’d already been living with MS since a young girl - as carer to her mum. Bronwyn’s sister has also been recently diagnosed with the disease.

And now as a mother of two young girls, Bronwyn is equally worried for their future.

“MS is so cruel. I don’t want this for my daughters. It frightens me.

Every week 10 more people in Australia will be diagnosed with MS.

Every one of those people will need more effective and personalised treatments. 

The ultimate goal is a cure  - and to advance treatments to halt the progression for people currently living with MS.

But this can only happen with research.

Please give generously so researchers can deliver more effective and personalised treatments for people like Bronwyn – and ultimately find a cure for MS. 

Your donation today will help fast-track MS research. Here’s how:

  • Your kind gift today could help create better treatments for people like Bronwyn with MS.

  • A compassionate gift from you today could help accelerate research to find a cure for MS.

  • An incredibly generous gift from you today could help reverse the effects of MS to give people like Bronwyn back what they have lost.


“More MS research would give me the certainty to live without getting sicker. And certainty that my girls would be okay.” – Bronwyn

People with MS like Bronwyn need your help to fast-track MS research today.

Your gift will create more effective and personalised treatments for Bronwyn, faster. And ultimately, find a cure for MS.

 Please give generously to support vital research.

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